60 count 400mg Ashwaghanda Capsules
120 count 500-600mg Magnesium Capsules
1 1 Oz Neurolixer Tincture
This combo is excellent for reducing stress levels within the body from the nervous to musculoskeletal to hormonal this can change your life for the better.
Suggested 1 to 2 ratio of ashwaghanda to magnesium capsules .
The tincture is handy for sleep & during fasting periods in unison
Warning : Magnesium is a fail safe mineral and you will know when you've taken too much because you may experience diarrhea .any excess will get excreted through Urine or fecal matter
Contraindications: Kidney Failure ,Myasthenia Gravis , excessively slow heart rate , and bowel obstruction
As for ashwaghanda :
Unsafe for pregnancy & autoimmune diseases . Avoid 2 weeks before a surgery and be cautious if you suffer from thyroid disorder and take thyroid hormone .
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